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    • Seen it on release time +0.1. smiley

      This looks fucking epic to me.
      • i am pretty sure the movement will be bad for tdm and modes like that , like it is in max payne 3 . to much realistic animations which play well on a gamepad but not on a keyboard .

        the rest is pretty awsome  tongue
        • Here are some things that you can see/guess from the gameplay trailer, concerning the multiplayer (single player is obviously awesome as always):

          1. Shooting, movement and cover-system are a lot like in Max Payne 3. (told you Velo...)

          2. There are loads of weapon and player customizations in the SP, so I guess they just use that for the MP as well. That would mean no arcade style weapon pickups but classes like in MP3. (told you Velo...)

          3. Velo is gay.

          4. In the last scene of the gameplay video I count 13 blips. Counting your own player as well, that would make 14 players. I guess for consoles the player limit will still be around 16 and for PC around 32. So, my guess is they still use P2P for the MP (which makes sense because they want traffic on the social club).

          5. The blips always stay on the radar, or at least there are settings for it. That's good news because disappearing blips simply doesn't work with 3rd person games. People can just crouch behind things and look around whereas you don't see them. 

          6. There is kill confirmation like in MP3. An "X" shows up when your bullet killed the enemy.

          7. While everything seems a lot like MP3, the maps will make a big difference. Literally, because the wide streets and wast areas will focus more on long range shooting. Still, there could be MP3-style close range maps as well for example in hotels, prisons or construction sights.

          8. You can get an "Imperial Douche" tattoo in the SP, so hopefully it's available in MP as well, so everyone can show me some love. (especially you, Velo <3)

          Here are 2 cool (but lengthy) videos that analyze the gameplay video and an interview:

          GTA V - GTA 5 o'clock: EXCLUSIVE Interview with Rockstar: Grand Theft Auto 5
          GTA V - GTA 5 o'clock - Grand Theft Auto 5 Gameplay Trailer Analysis EVERYTHING YOU MISSED
          • When switched to trevor, he got 5 stars.. lets hope that don't happen too often now. The walk of franklin omg.. laugh

            i Agree on 3rd point iMpZ Hahah!!