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  • This is my last try to get clips for a community frag movie! And it's looking good!

    If you want to be in it, just talk to me on xfire and send me some of your clips (4 or more clips. I will choose the best for my edit style).

    You can send me any type of clip but I prefer these:

    -fast killstreaks (3 kills or more, no Airport clips)
    -creative ways of killing (1 kill or more)
    -heli takedowns

    I generally choose clips by overall look and the speed of the kills. Enemies should not look like total noobs (or be afk) but public clips are fine nonetheless.

    Clips were already submitted by:

    -SecAm Pro
    • btw there is no deadline yet and I'm not sure when I will start with the project. I'm working on the soundtrack right now, so there should be at least one or two more weeks until I start frapsing the clips.
      • Also check the first comment to see who sent me clips already. I edit the post it regularly
        • I'll try to send you clips as soon as possible, also FaZe is interested in sending you clips, if you are interested in both of our clips, we will be more than glad to help.
          • sure go ahead  wink

            More clips just means it will take longer for me to make the video but I will take my time to make a great movie tongue
            • I'm quite busy next week and I don't think I have time to record the footage until the 20th of March. So, right now that should be the deadline for clip submissions.

              I already worked on some technical stuff for the movie, so I can already assure you the movie is gonna be something new and awesome laugh
              • Awesome ! laugh
                Can't wait tongue
                I'll probably send you my clips today or tomorrow XD
                • I hope you received my clips too tongue
                  • ye i looked them through, there were some good ones laugh

                    How do you write your name with normal letters?

                    • ye i looked them through, there were some good ones laugh

                      How do you write your name with normal letters?

                      Cool, thnx laugh
                      you mean V3NOM in normal letters ?
                      if yes than it's Venom.