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  • RAaaaaaaaaaz!!! Twisted(

    rofl lol  grin
    OVerpowered....there is no hope for competition 

    • from the master of:

      There isn't much skill in that game ,only usage of glitches/bugs of car(driving nably back best exapmle


      look markoo there is someone who understand my jokes  kiss
      • hi guys
        its not a great thing , play this tournment , against unfair players.
        today Kgb mary and Kgb beat show all bad possible hack , smg with more range than ak47 and god mode in/out expecially near task points !!!
        i'm sorry for all clear players but i decide to exit out of this tournment.
        have fun ,your Sintho
        • im very sad about how this game ended. we play totally fair, as we allways do. everyone knows that. and now we play against razor/sintho (which i know for months, we never had problems with eachother, trusted eachother), we are better than they are, we gained more money, and for some reason they suddently call us cheaters and hackers!
          you cant say they are hotly favoured to win this tournament and they had a shattered defeat at their last game. in this game they were even better than in the last one (9000$ in the end, while we had 15000), but nonethless they cant believe that we played fair. its really sad to see this. in my opinion they are a typical example of bad loosers
          here is the screenshot of the last screen:
          • well our first game against stringer bell / cisco (see results) we lost that big big big time!!
            so we didnt leave couse they were better like mari say!

            but what i noticed the game against mari and BC, Nah....

            for me was BC playing 100% fair (better then me like always)
            in the beginning off the game we were doing good (call it luck)

            i had 4 times full armor and full health driving in a car , mr mari shot me 4 times in a row from another car dead with 1 bullit.
            (i dunno but in the 6 monhts that i play mafia i never saw that before)

            i am sorry to disappoint Abled my teammate
            and to disappoint all other teams in this tournament.

            • and to disappoint all other teams in this tournament.

              whatever happend-nevermind, Razzy. I stiil Love U. I hope we willl dance Twist dance sometime together, even in Hell.
              • hehe kyb, well my friend u are verry lucky u dont know me IRL
                cause i would give u hell every day  grin
                • Razz and Sintho just look at the scoreboard of the match Thuga and me vs Mari and BCB....why should they use cheats in their 2nd match of a tournament but not in the 1st one already?

                  I think me and Thuga are really good fraggers especially on foot but we got some nice skills in cars too but Thuga told me after some minutes of the match that he can't kill mari because mari just laggs too much. And it really is hard to kill him but always remember that he wears armor too most of the time so it can be a hard thing to get mari down  smiley
                  • First off all i never said he cheated
                    i only said what i have seen in that game.

                    its clear, and i ask around!! it  could be lagg! but 4 times in a row?
                    i wanne have the same internet as mari then!

                    i asked around in the game if that was possible full health and Armor 1 shot and die in a car.
                    the answere was NO!

                    and he called me a bad looser, he most take a good look in the mirror
                    Ab and i arrent the best players, but fair players. we played both enough matches to know what is possible and whats not!

                    • suri can't play because of time issues.

                      @the other teams: please play your matches until 7th November. The 2 teams with most won matches will move on to the next round no matter how many of their matches they have played.

                      This discussion is closed to further replies. Keep calm and carry on.
