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Grzechu96 Reply #1, 13 years, 9 months agoGamertag: grzechu1996pl
Country: England
Xfire: grzesiek96pl
Benchmark 1: (P.S. for some random reason (probably coz wooden PC) my FPS drops to like 30 in the benchmark menu thing, but still average 63 FPS so gg) http://www.xfire.com/profile/grzesiek96pl/screenshots/?view#112544675
Benchmark 2: http://www.xfire.com/profile/grzesiek96pl/screenshots/?view#112544671
Speedtest Fullscreen Result: http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/6683/46271633.png
Speedtest Result: http://www.speedtest.net/result/1233418833.png -
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