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  • Oh and just so u all know this application is serious i did not post it because of Oracle's trolling , in fact i wanted to apply for some time now smiley

    -[ huh GENERAL huh ]-

    First Name: Aleksander
    Birth Year: 17.08.1994
    Gamertag (GFWL):gta4g33k
    Rockstar Games Social Club Name(s):e3Dua1iTy
    Nationality: Slovenian
    Old Gamertags (all of them!):gta4g33k ,XA Annihilator , FxB Crusher, AoD Dua1iTy, SL Dua1iTy, e3 Dua1iTy
    Former Clans (all of them!): XA, FxB, AoD, SL, e3
    How did you find us?: I know about the skullz since the start of my gta iv career when i first met u guys.
    How active are you?: Almost every day.
    How will you contribute to our Crew?: Humour , skill , new ideas to make this clan even better, making videos too smiley
    What was the biggest Triumph in your GTA Career?: Making my own clan , improving my skills as a player.

    -[ huh GTA V huh ]-

    Since when do you play GTA V?:Since its release on PC
    Clan War Experience?:none since i dont have an active clan in V
    Private Match Experience?:Some
    Evaluate yourself. (??/10):7

    -[ huh GTA IV huh ]-

    In what years have you been active in GTA IV?:2009 - 2015  and still playing it smiley
    Clan War Experience?:yes many experience playing cw's alot.
    Private Match Experience?:Yes alot.
    Evaluate yourself. (??/10):10

    -[ huh OTHER huh ]-

    Do you play other games at the moment?: Batman Arkham Knight, Fifa 13/15, Mortal Kombat X, GTA V , Call of Duty 4 sometimes (singleplayer) .
    Which games did you play before and for how long?:I've played call of duty 2 actively for 2 years.
    Do you have skills in real life? Like video editing, Photoshop, programming etc.?:Video Editing (still improving on that though xD ) , making frag movies,  little bit of photoshop.
    Any comments?: 1v1 me ? laugh ,
    Suggestions?: Return to gta iv laugh

    This discussion is closed to further replies. Keep calm and carry on.
