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    • He is talking about MW2 rolleyes...CoD4 promod has no equal smiley...CoD4 is just Speed Skill Vision and Team play. You cant compare MW2 with CoD4 or any other FPS game imo
      • He is talking about camping smiley

        You got that in cod4 as well. I think GTA is better because it has a radar that shows the enemies all the time. You often have duel situations in GTA which I don't think you can have in CoD because it is about hiding, surprising and sometimes even in promod camping is the best way to win.
        • He is talking about MW2 camping smiley

          Actually camping in CoD4 is not always the best way to win...If you know where he is at (which most of the times you do) you can eliminate him easy...And as for GTA i didn't say its not a good game but if it was as good as CoD4 there would be at least cb (Clan Base) teams or any other community teams, and there are more like lan matches, tournaments, sponsors and all these stuff, these are an other level laugh

          **(We are opening a big conversation here :/)**
          • when i last bought cod4 in the store again it said on the disc Best Game Of The Year!..
            and the game is played since 2007 can u imagine how good it still is? and how famous it still is? laugh