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  • Nick: Kanja
    Age : 18
    Where are you from? : Lahore, Pakistan
    Old nicks and old clans :[KSF]Kanja,[AMF]Kanja,[SRS]Kanja, etc.     KSF,EXL,SRS,FRAG,TCD,AMF
    Xfire ( required to be a Skullz ): kanja0078
    How did you hear about "The Skullz"? : i was watching videos of black ops when i saw Clan's Videos.
    Are you active? : yea Ofc.
    Your Favorite modes? : drift mod,Race, TDM, Dm,and i mostly like Hang man noose.
    Time zone and Location : GMT +5:00
    How will you contribute to our clan? : well I'm loyal so in any time in any field  you guys need my help i'll help ya.

    -[ huh GTA 4 huh ]-

    How long have you been playing GTA 4? : 2 years
    You got other gamertags? :Nope mine is only one "Kanja0078"
    Favorite weapons? : AK 47, MP5,  M4, Deagle,UZI
    What's your tactic in a TDM?: hmmm i always go forward and kill and try to make a killing streak. either you kill someone or die xD
    Evaluate yourself. ( ../10 )? : 10

    -[ huh OTHERS huh ]-

    Do you play other games? : lots of
    Do you have skills in real life like making videos, websites, banners or signatures etc? : a little bi but yea i can make videos.
    Any comments? : I'm really very happy to apply for this Clan. i joined lot's of clans but i think that this clan suits me.
    Suggestions? :Nope.
    • OK if ur from Pakistan firstly Assalam-u-Allaikum.

      2ndly : I have never seen these clans before as Thuga said.

      • Mh, I'm on GTA IV since day-one and I've never seen those clans.
        • actually the clans i mentioned are not basically only GTA IV clans.
          and also these clan mostly play GTA SA.They also play GTA IV But rarely on PC. they Prefer xbox, and PS3  ALSO I'm BIG FAN OF gta 3, and GTA San Andreas so may be that's reason i joined SA:MP Clans. here is some info about clans.

          EXL:Full name Exiles, it was a Multigames clan like they played GTA IV pc,xbox,PS3, gta san andreas. GTA EFLC, Call of duty(all). i was related to GTA IV PC and GTA San Andreas, Call of Duty, and GTA EFLC member. But this clan was closed last year.

          KSF: it was my own clan and i was founder of this clan. we basically play GTA SanAndreas mostly. Rarely we played GTA IV PC. but we also played call of duty MW2 and MW.

          SRS: full name SRS Incorporated. same story as Exiles Above.

          AMF: full name Andolini Mafia Family. it is Official GTA Net clan. even though you guys can type it on google or in wikigta you guys will find info about them.

          ahhh i'm tired by typing this much. I started playing GTA while i was 10 years old (2002) and joined 100's of clans and now I'm 18 yrs old. so it's a long debate, when you guys will play with me you guys will know me better.

          also I'm sorry i forgot to put my Gamertag in first post(BTW Now updated) my GFWL ID: kanja0078.

          Thanks Guys.

          • It is strange.. your name looks kind of Dutch to me...
            • I first thought you are either a CoD bob or just someone who played GTA IV for one day. But seems like you got some experience in the GTA universe although you can't really compare SA:MP and IV. And because we never really saw you ingame it could take some time till we make a decision.

              Try to find us ingame or add some of our members as friends so we can check you out.

              But first fix your IP. As long as you use a proxy we won't trust you at all.
              • Actually i live in Pakistan and using PTCL broadband services (6MBPS). and they only offer dynamic ip it means whenever i will turn on my router it gave me new ip. you can ask wrath because he also live in Pakistan, he may justify this.

                I Play  GTA IV every day 3-4 hours. and IV:MP 1-2 hours. mostly play GTA EFLC:MP.but since last 1 week i didn't play any game because I'm in hospital because my leg is fractured duo to my car accident. I'm hoping to get back on 31st December. so please if you guys can wait for new year then thanks. I'm sure when you guys will play with me you realize that I'm a nice person  tongue

                • he is saying right...because only Ptcl Broadband providing dynamic IP.....and my Connection is different from kanja's....and it provides me static IP so my IP wont change at there is no problem with his IP...because i use this service before and when i play CS1.5-1.6 and when i restarts my router it changes my IP automatically and i can join those server's who kicked me tongue ..... (rofls on that)  shocked
                  • Oh well, here in Italy everybody have dynamic IP cause all ISPs work like that. smiley
                    • And firstly take care of your health man get 100% leg fracture is bad .. And as imp said add some of TheSkullzClan members and we will check you out.

                      This discussion is closed to further replies. Keep calm and carry on.
