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  • We started this cup in good hope to revive GTA a bit, especially concerning serious private matches. For us it was a big success that we managed to get 10 clans into this cup. But many clans left as early as in the first War Week because they realized their clan was not ready for such a cup or they just didn't like serious TDMs. In the end 5 clans were left and they had wars over a period of more than 3 weeks. But the last matches of the cup can't be finished because of the big time difference of the clan members and also the inactivity of many people.

    Also, what led us to our decision to close the cup was the match against ExS. No matter how good the connection and the PC of the host is you will always have problems with laggs or disconnections when Europeans, Russians, Americans or Asians try to play with each other. (No Africans or Australians at this cup afaik smiley ) And the fact that there is nothing that really could show lag like a lag-o-meter or at least a graph within the match that shows your connection stability, makes it impossible to see if there are really grave laggs or if the players just can't lose and try to find excuses. Therefore, until IV (or V) seems to be more stable or IV:MP is far enough developed to have serious matches (on servers!), we won't arrange any more tournaments.

    We still think the cup was a big success because we had a lot of nice and challenging matches. Maybe the IV clan scene will be bigger in some time. For now it's just a really small group but the clan cup certainly encouraged them to play against each other and have some fun together. We hope you all had a good time, thx to everyone that entered the cup, had fun reading about it or was watching our videos!