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endgame - [DENIED]

  • ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
    Subject : " endgame " Application

    -[ huh GENERAL huh ]-

    Nickname :endgame
    Age :27
    Where you from? :argentina
    Old nicks and old clans :none
    Xfire ( required to be a Skullz ):endlgame
    How did you hear about "The Skullz"? :saw ya online(gta4)
    Are you active? :yes
    Your Favorite games? :gta,cod,dmc,mgs,resident evil
    Time zone and Location :GMT-03:00 Buenos Aires
    How will you contribute to our clan? :BALLS n skill

    -[ huh GTA 4 huh ]-

    How long have you been playing GTA 4? :6 months
    What's your latest gamertag? :endgame
    You got other gamertags? :polari5, x99waystodiex ,manowwar and like 10 more
    Favorite weapons? :m4,mp5
    What's your tactic in a TDM? :that really depends on who u r fighting against,though the general rules aply:know ur enemy so u can explote their weaknesses,know ur team mates so u can use their skills,always check ur tm mates,STRATEGY.
    Evaluate yourself. Good, average, excellent ( ../10 )? :7

    -[ huh OTHERS huh ]-

    Do you play other games? :i have like 15 on hold
    Do you have skills in real life like making videos, websites, banners or signatures etc? :i make  great cofee!
    Any comments? :i dont have xfire yet, i keep forgetting to dl.
    polari5 was the first acc i v created and i have so many accounts cause i coudnt make up my mind,too many cool names to pick!!. hope i d posted in the right place
    Suggestions? :
    • thx for the application we will test you over the next weeks. Just add us as friends and play with us.
      • endgame has problems with his PC, so he is inactive for a while.

        This discussion is closed to further replies. Keep calm and carry on.
