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GTA V Discussion

  • I kinda included a little joke in the "coming back to IV"-thread. I wasn't too serious. x)

    But hey so this is now a GTA V discussion thread! tongue

    Most people simply dislike the movement. It's not as clean as IV, so it feels like you lose a bit of precision and control. I agree that V feels more sluggish but going back to IV seems kinda desperate as well. There is nothing in IV that would bring back that old excitement. I really thought about going back but then I had the same thoughts as always:

    It's the same old game. Not many players. Aiming isn't smooth. Corner, aim, run, shoot, repeat.

    It's not very diverse.

    • i think we should need to try something... OUR ERA IS NOT ENDED! :@
      • Well the best choice for u would be to come  back to gta iv since its not dead at all smiley , many clans still playing , true there is a lack of public servers sometimes but most of the time u can get a good match , i think this is the best option for u since the game is still very fun laugh
        • I might actually reinstall IV when I got some time again but there is no potential in IV anymore. Why make IV videos when nobody watches? You won't attract new people to a 7 year old game.

          V is shit for competitive matches but at least fun to play randomly. The new update adds variations of crash derby and zombie mode directly into freemode which will surely be fun.

          I also play Quake Live and it's fun but I see no reason to call everyone into IV and try to bring the old times back. So, that's the situation right now, imo  rolleyes
          • who says u have to bring the old times back lol , just play in iv actively that would be  a wise choice cuz these new times of iv are very fun too laugh
            • I talked about "the old excitement". I had it in IV and in cod4 but games nowadays just copy the old formula. I like IV but I spent enough time in this game.

              • I talked about \"the old excitement\". I had it in IV and in cod4 but games nowadays just copy the old formula. I like IV but I spent enough time in this game.

                yes its what i meant too , i play this game for 6 years and i still have the old excitement its just so damn fun , anyway if u want come back if not well then too bad for you laugh