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Imperial Reply #1, 10 years, 6 months agoRandom stuff that I usually posted as unlisted on my ImperialPC channel, is now going to be uploaded at ImperialGG:
On this channel I will upload gameplay videos from IV events, V PC stuff and random things. Maybe some sort of let's plays at some point or me talking about random shit. If interested, subscribe to get notified about new vids.
I'm gonna post some random not-listed videos here, mainly about video editing tests. Any input, criticism is welcome!
Let's go:
Color Grading Test (3200x1200 <30fps): http://youtu.be/RTp6jPJr17g
4k res (3840x2650 <30fps): http://youtu.be/geWTjXU0z5g -
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Imperial Reply #2, 10 years, 5 months agoLooks like there is no speed boost with high fps in Max Payne 3! I got around 400 fps and there was no noticable change in run speed or fire rate. What I did notice though: MP3 is awfully slow x). Can't wait for V.
Also I checked how Max Payne 3 looks on my ultra widescreen monitor (assuming that GTA V might react the same way) and at first it was a mixed experience. As usual the 3D stuff works great but the HUD is all stretched. Then I switched to a 16:9 resolution and suddenly everything stretched perfectly to fullscreen. I'm losing a bit more than a million pixels but hey, got more fps and pretty much the same look.
So, here is a vid about that (also tested a bit of color grading as usual):
http://youtu.be/h4SQvXCT6tQ -
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