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  • [align=center]Social Club Multiplayer Event 02.04.2010 - The Skullz Recap[/align]

    [table][tr][td][/td][td]It was an unlucky day for GwRockstar5 and GwRockstar6. In the very first match of the evening they spawned directly near Thuga and me and all the other teams were far away. We had no other option than making clear:
    Mouse > Controller  :P

    [table][tr][td]Bored of deja vus, we moved to the other part of the map where I met GwRockstar3 the first time...well, for some seconds.

    In the end Thuga and me reached only the second place due to a lack of victims. Oracle and Salvatore were on a good third place. Claws and Nemesis unfortunately couldn't join this lobby.[/td][td][/td][/tr][/table]



    [table][tr][td][/td][td]After some races and Cops n' Crooks, it was time to call Petrovich for some Mafiya Work. [/td][/tr][/table]

    [table][tr][td]Hardest part in this mode was to find a car. Traffic was set to low and as soon as you finally found a disappeard directly in front of you!

    Oh and sorry GwRockstar4, I didn't mean to team-kill you...
    but it was damn funny anyways. laugh[/td][td][/td][/tr][/table]



    [table][tr][td][/td][td]In the following we had a bunch more Races and GTA Races including SUVs, fancy cars, boats and helis. [/td][/tr][/table]

    [table][tr][td]Nemesis showed incredible driving skills (or was it just spawning luck?) and reached
    3 times #1:    [/td][td][/td][/tr][/table]

    [table][tr][td][/td][td]Of course haters were immediately on the scene:

    Why so jealous?[/td][/tr][/table]



    [table][tr][td]It was about time Rockstar finally hosted another TDM! Well, with fucked up settings again...No cops this time but a laggy map with projectiles only.

    The result was a huge lag fest. Molotovs were flying through the ground causing no fire whatsoever and nades just didn't want to explode.  :(

    Many decided to go for the knife but the best way was to wait for the lag free phases in which nades and molotovs finally caused some serious damage. [/td][td][/td][/tr][/table]



    The event ended with some more Races, a nice TDM with powerful weapons where we unfortunately couldn't join and a RPG-TDM. All in all, the event was (in my opinion) better than the first one. There were 4 Rockstar players instead of 2 and it seems like they upgraded their PCs because almost no one of them crashed, not even during the laggiest matches.

    For the next event I hope they set up more serious matches and not as much Explosive-Lag-Madness as this time but it was still a lot of fun. Thx to Rockstar for finally showing some interest in the GTA IV PC community.

    Rockstar Recap

    Scoreboard Screenshots:

    [table][tr][td]DM, Colony            

    [/td][td]TDM RPGs, Airport        

    [/td][td]Boat Race


    More Random Screenshots:


    • lol very nice shit see me on screen with thuga with boats lol nice screen laugh
      • YEAH great job man!  laugh

          BTW. This picture owns...
          DUDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, It's fucking amazing!


          Something from me:

          • haha nab, you introduced my long DEATHstreak of this match  laugh
            • Just added the last video, the next event can come now tongue