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  • i cant follow your argumentation, imperial. where is the problem with doing 2 matches? it would be much more fair. when you had bad luck in the first game, it would be still possible for you to turn the tide to your favours, and the host problem would be figured out too.
    with 2 games duration would be at all 20000$, long enough, so that both sides will have luck sometimes. luck is part of this game, and the longer this game goes, the smaller is the influence of luck.

    much better would it even be, when each team can not only host, but choose the settings too, but i know that is stretching it to far for you now. Nevertheless the first point is be very important.

    what you call vote is a bit strange, cause everyone in this forum can use it. you must only ask all players of the tournament.

    If you make 2 matches and both teams win one match how to find out the winner? You need to count the overall score. Let's do an example:

    You have "bad luck" in the first match so you make like 6000$. Your enemy wins so he has 10000$.

    In the second match you win so you gain 10000. In sum you got 16000$. But the second match was really close because the opponent team of course had "some luck". So the team made 9000$. In sum they have 19000$ so they win this round.
    imo this sucks.

    I'm not a professional vote counter, this poll is the only thing I can do. Only forum members can vote and I don't see a reason that people that don't participate would vote.

    then why have i play setting u play all your 20000 deathmatch games or what mode u like?. U want to win tourny, i want too.
    Rename the tournament to Team Deathmatch journy. I see u deleted our team, but i still can vote for wepones. Good idia, nice organization. Why noone asks why reticule is off? - it's good to don't turn off godemode even when enemy shoots u not from car? I shell trust u, u shell trust me.? ))
    Have fun, scared bitches

    "U want to win tourny, i want too" well you said you don't want to play at the tournament so you can't win. I don't wanna win. I will give my best but I organized this tournament to have some fun and to get experience in organizing some little events. So far everything runs pretty good, there are just few peope that seem a bit narrow-minded.

    If you want to participate in a tournament you have to stick to the rules. If you don't agree with the rules don't participate.

    The great thing about reticule is that you don't see it while you are in cars. Makes sense to switch it on for a game mode that is mainly played in cars doesn't it?...
    • grin wtf- i said if no changes will made -we r out of tournament. But chages where made -5 sec respawn.
      So take us back to this Brazil Carnival of Rust, please  :'(   >:(

      • omg, aureus. you show that you really know nothing about tmw

        Raven is that you? Or you (Kybpuk) just picked his *disease* sad

        Anyway I agree with  weapons all . For TMW is important to have snipiers and rpgs (and fun)
        I have less lags with clear weather in comparison to overcast (so clear is better)

        But i disagree about ret healt. It should be off
        Player skill depends about his aiming abilities and perception of distance
        (about godmode users/cheaters...well its quite obvious when someone is using godmode)

        • You have \"bad luck\" in the first match so you make like 6000$. Your enemy wins so he has 10000$.

          In the second match you win so you gain 10000. In sum you got 16000$. But the second match was really close because the opponent team of course had \"some luck\". So the team made 9000$. In sum they have 19000$ so they win this round.
          imo this sucks.

          this sucks no way. when your enemies had luck in first game and you lost it, its over for you and you can run away crying to your mom -.-
          but when theres a secound game, its like you have another chance. and as i allready said: the longer the game is, the smaller is the influence of luck. ain´t that obvious finally?
          3 people with a big exierience tell it to you here, the others dont see the discussion, so the cant tell you the same. change it finally.

          rep health: yep i didnt saw that. it must be on. in mafia work are not only cars used. we had much discussions about players who maybe use god mode or lag. i want to see if my enemy looses health, change that.

          • this sucks no way. when your enemies had luck in first game and you lost it, its over for you and you can run away crying to your mom -.-
            but when theres a secound game, its like you have another chance. and as i allready said: the longer the game is, the smaller is the influence of luck. ain´t that obvious finally?
            3 people with a big exierience tell it to you here, the others dont see the discussion, so the cant tell you the same. change it finally.

            rep health: yep i didnt saw that. it must be on. in mafia work are not only cars used. we had much discussions about players who maybe use god mode or lag. i want to see if my enemy looses health, change that.

            You didn't see how the tournament system works too. You got 2 big groups. If we have 8 teams participating in the tournament you will be in a group with 4 teams. You fight against 3 teams. And 1st and the 2nd best team moves to the next round. So if you win all but one match you will move to the next round except some team won the same number of matches. This would be a decision by score then.

            This means the tournament system actually gives you a 2nd chance in the 1st round.

            If you are still not satisfied I will change the duration to 20,000$ but I won't agree on 2 matches for the first round.

            Reticule stays off, most lag is caused by it and without it you need more shooting skills. If someone really wants to cheat to win a tournament that is made to have some fun, he is a really poor person.

            Moreover, I don't see any suspicious player that maybe uses god mode in the application thread so I don't see a reason to change it.

            I change weather to clear too, overcast looks somewhat gloomy. Nabs now be happy that I changed most of your concerns...

            k, i'll not play this tourny.

            I will give you a second chance, appreciate it...
            • Sorry Imperial I got conflicts with some people In my group, so I think I should not play. Dave should find another partner embarrassed

                • Sorry Imperial I got conflicts with some people In my group, so I think I should not play. Dave should find another partner embarrassed

                  hm let's do it like this: Dave tries to find a partner during the next few days and if he has no succes, you will play. ok?
                  • ok buddy  smiley
                    • Here are some comments about your settings ideas :

                      First of all, I think we all agree about the reasons why Bohan was the location picked for this tournament.
                      1. It structure allows to move fast between places and therefore to reach tasks quicker despite of the randomization process.
                      2. It makes us fight for the task goal more often huh so it gives a better view of the competetive part, which is crucial when it comes to any tournament.


                      When it comes to weapon options, I agree with roland that it should be all.
                      Probably the only reason why ppl tend to choose standard set is becouse the word itself is misleading. Standard is often interpreted as something optimal/normal/usual, when in reality it makes the game tendentional. Do we want mafia to be reduced to aiming in the head and driving? Only allowing all weapons to appeaar in the game makes it balanced for everyone. Overall skills is not something u can devide in equal parts. I personally see my rpg skills as a conciderable part of my style of playing and in standard mode it would be taken from me for no f**in reason. And besides???is it rly so much fun to run with kalashnikov all the time when u can have much nicer assoult rifle instead? Also??? part of mafia work strategy is to know what equipment u need to collect in time between the tasks. Creating any restrictions toward this equipment simply makes the game less strategical and interesting. Imagine Peppah if u take away granades from him???what would he become? :] he would remain a good driver but TMW shouldn???t be percieved as a race to task-related checkpoints. It???s mostly the fighting skills that matters here and that takes us to another important issue???. respawn. As I said on the beginning, what we want in this tournament is competition. Playing in 2v2 teams makes it often easy to just grab the shit and drive away unharmed. Thats???s a relaxing part in usual tmw play, when u can just finish the task  peacefully becouse all the enemies are dead or too far. But we rather want to avoid that situation in tournament, where teams are suppose to fight for every task as it was definitive. Lets say that Im naer the task shooting to enemy team when suddenly some freaked out driver runs me over. In a resoult I die and the other team gets to the task item and drives away. If u play mafia long enough u realize that great many of all tasks are being finished in the last moment before 2nd team arrives. And it???s normal in this game that even a small mistake during the fight can get u killed, but 1 or 2 kills shouldn???t determine who would finish the task in the end. 1 sec respawn makes it harder to avoid tail on your way to the marked point and it gives much more fun when u are forced not only to drive like a pro, but also to get rid of threat all the way there. I know it often ends up with failing to deliver shit but if u somehow manage to do it huh it gives much more satisfaction. We had few situations like that with Leo when we were dirving same car and had to kill about 5 ppl on the way and ofcours to change car in between fights smiley but we finished the task and it was much more rewarding then simply drive away with the task item and taking the safest road to do that. When u have to additionally look around and shoot it tests your driving skills even more, becouse it takes a real pro to have it all under control at all time. But since we concider ourselfes pro???s there should be no problem with making it 1sec respawn in the end. All the other issues aren???t that important to me so it???s not my thing to comment on them.


                      This discussion is closed to further replies. Keep calm and carry on.
