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  • There you can see how close-minded you are. We maybe have no cup matches this week but we (especially me) are the organizers of this cup which is more work than you might imagine. Also a CW needs preparation in real life. <-- Ever heard of that?

    We could have 3 members ready to play at Saturday but if one member isn't online at the set date (maybe because problems in real life?) we don't have a replacement for him.

    To stop the discussion: You either wait till next week until Thuga has his gfx and then we can agree on a date, the settings and everything or you keep on trollin'. hf.
    • "Also a CW needs preparation in real life. <-- Ever heard of that?"

      Yea cup of coffe, popcorn and cigarettes.

      "There you can see how close-minded you are. We maybe have no cup matches this week but we (especially me) are the organizers of this cup which is more work than you might imagine."

      Yea- being a host, get screen shots, edit top post

      "We could have 3 members ready to play at Saturday but if one member isn't online at the set date"

      Yea I am sure that you will have 3 ppl online for max 3 matches x 10-15 minutes or 10000$ between 20:00 and 01:00 GTM+1 (just let us know and we are there). Its almost hour of playing smiley

      To stop the discussion: You either wait till next week until Thuga has his gfx and then we can agree on a date, the settings and everything or you keep on trollin'. hf.

      Ok, as I written- If you will be to scared to fight with us tomorrow we will treat that as compliment for EsT and dishonor for ISI. Of course as clan with one of the best players in GTA IV PC which have respect for himself you will play with us tomorrow.

      Goodnight smiley Btw you got many reasons and excuses to not play tomorrow. Really. Like chickens smiley

      • You see, maniek, I don't understand your attitude.
        No reason to be so "aggressive" (maybe "annoying" is better), don't you have better things to think about?
        As for previous weekends, I'll leave this afternoon for my seaside home and won't be back 'til sunday evening... and I'm telling this just because I'm a good guy  :P but I was not supposed to justify myself or explain to anyone what I do in my real life (which, you know, is the 99,99% of my time!).  ;)
        • Its just funny for me when clan with so good players are looking for excuses to not play a clan war in our challenge date smiley
          You could play with ASC after 3 days after their post here, you could play with AC and JDC without thuga, and now I can make nice list of excuses for shaking ur pants...
          • Nah, I don't believe you.

            You're just trolling. smiley
            • Ehhh whatever. You will probably lose with Thuga or without him. My gf have holiday from work in next week and then I  probably won't play in GTA IV PC cuz girl needs her attention. If you like to play we should do it at saturday.
              And if you have other members and you need Thuga so much to play with EsT that need no comments smiley

              Or maybe we can join ISI cup on that last week? We can play with every clan during this 2 incoming days. If you won't allow us, well tongue If clans are leaving this cup, why not to let EsT to join this cup if we are ready to play with all 5 clans?

              And that would be great ocassion to play with AC and XSS that are calling us nabs and won't play clan wars either smiley
              • Man, why are you talking to me using "if YOU wanna play"?
                I'm not gonna play, just like I didn't play in the cup (except 1 match)... I'm almost never at home, that's why you only meet me after 11pm and for a a short time.
                Have fun!  kiss
                • I mean "you" as ISI clan- not personally smiley
                  • You had your chance to play at the cup but you denied our invitation. And you said: "You will probably lose with Thuga or without him. " Maybe we don't want to take any risk and want to use the tiny chance of winning with Thuga.

                    But tell me why you can't wait just one more week? Or maybe just 3 more days if Thuga gets his gfx on Monday. Can't Bandyt wait anymore to join ISI? Oh your girlfriend, I'm pretty sure you will be online and playing anyways and remember it's just one hour max 3 matches x 10-15 minutes or 10000$. (btw lol you think 10000$ = 15min in a 3vs3?)

                    You think you are in a position where you can just set a date and we have to show up. As your failed wars with AC and XSS show, you know nothing about arranging dates properly.

                    It would be dishonorful if we don't play at Saturday? Actually we should see it as dishonor to play against a clan with a member that was a well-know cheater in the past. Some months ago I would have kicked you from every lobby just for the fact that you are an Ex-cheater. If you want this war you have to be thankful that I changed my mind a little bit.
                    • My gf have holiday from work in next week and then I  probably won't play in GTA IV PC cuz girl needs her attention.
                      Thats why I prefer to play to the end of this week. Cuz from monday I will be on beach from 11:00 to 20:00, later clubbing and about 02:00 coming to home drunked or on high. Where I would have time to play then?...
                      And don't tell me about setting up dates of clan wars- we succesfully make 21 clan wars- no one was complaying. They liked to play- they played. Without any problems, waiting 2 weeks or making any excuses. Indeed most of those clans was nooby ones, but few was not bad at all. And they didn't make any problems too.
                      And going back to the history? That is shitty shit. I could make another gamertag and pretend that I am some1 new. That will change anything? Or that many pro players cheating silencly- you think most of them didn't do that? You should have open mind and eyes. Your fat friend ressox spawning weapons- you won't believed that- but I saw that. Another friend of ISI with name " ManiekCheats" or sth like this recorded on colony island (with F2- where I said that ppl should remember his skin, cuz I made clip  and I will upload it for YouTube after that match what I did) with spawning weapons didn't cheats too? I wish to know his real gamertag because he wasn't noob. He played good. But he was cheating. If you know who was he call him as cheater and say same shit on him. I am sure that u know him very well. I won't be dissapoited is he is one of ISI members...

                      This discussion is closed to further replies. Keep calm and carry on.
